Welcome to the "BLOG" page, which is actually going to be just embedded code from our Facebook page. (coming soon)

Virtualizing a Future with a TBI

Category: Blog Published: Sunday, 20 July 2014 Written by G.H. Kryst

So you have sustained a Traumatic Brain Injury, what's next? If you're reading this, it means you have either sustained head trauma or know someone who has and are seeking information on how to make things better. PROgratulations and welcome to an opportunity most never realize; LIFE w/a TBI! 

Read more: Virtualizing a Future with a TBI

Brain Energy Support Team

Category: Blog Published: Sunday, 20 July 2014 Written by G.H. Kryst

Best Car Awards - JoomlaLIFE is what we make it, learning to understand how is why we need one another. Brain Energy Support Team is an organization that was created by a TBI THRIVER and her partner to help others reestablish a LIFE in spite of sustaining head trauma and those who support them.

Read more: Brain Energy Support Team

MyTBILIFE Template

Category: Blog Published: Sunday, 20 July 2014 Written by G.H. Kryst

Templates are nothing more than a guide/pattern established to use in an effort to replicate an item or processes. Since 2003 when the Founder of FUNPRO Foundation acquired his TBI and now, a significant amount of information has been revealed not only about TBI & PTSD but how the human brain even function and processes data (information). This allows most acquiring TBI's nowadays to have a guide or pattern to create a more FUNctional LIFE in spite of said TBI.

Read more: MyTBILIFE Template

How does one THRIVE instead of Survive

Category: Blog Published: Sunday, 20 July 2014 Written by G.H. Kryst


No matter what we see, albeit; plant, animal or other, like you, it has merely just survived the events and circumstances of its past. To most, upon initial discovery, this is nothing to become excited about nor celebrate... until we learn of it's history and even then, it may not excite us. However, LIFE with a Brain Injury is nothing to just 'survive', it is something we can THRIVE upon.

Read more: How does one THRIVE instead of Survive